Leaving your furry friend behind, even for a short while, can tug at your heartstrings. But on top of your own worries, you might also be concerned about your pet’s well-being, especially if they’re prone to anxiety.

The unfamiliar sights, sounds, and smells of a pet boarding facility can be overwhelming for some pets. Let’s explore common anxieties that both dogs and cats experience during overnight stays, and how you and the boarding facility staff can work together to create a stress-free boarding experience for your cherished companion.

Doggy Dilemmas:

  • Separation Anxiety: Dogs are pack animals who thrive on companionship. Being separated from their humans can cause significant distress, including whining, pacing, barking, and even destructive behavior.
  • Fear of the Unknown: New environments can be scary for pups. Strange noises, unfamiliar routines, and the presence of other animals can trigger anxiety in some dogs.
  • Lack of Control: Dogs often feel a sense of security knowing their routine and surroundings. Boarding facilities, with their structured schedules and unfamiliar spaces, can leave some dogs feeling out of control, leading to anxiety.

Helping Your Canine Cope:

  • Bring Familiar Comforts: Pack a favorite blanket, toy, or even a t-shirt with your scent to provide a sense of security and comfort.
  • Gradual Introduction (if possible): Some boarding facilities like Doggie Dude Ranch offer daycare services. Consider starting with a few daycare visits to help your dog gradually get accustomed to the environment and staff.
  • Exercise is Key: A tired dog is a happy dog! Ensure the boarding facility offers ample opportunities for exercise and playtime. Having a dog yard where your pup can play to his heart’s content is essential for any dog boarding facility.
  • Open Communication: Discuss your dog’s specific needs, sensitivities and anxieties with the boarding facility staff. 

Cat Concerns:

  • Territoriality:  Cats are creatures of habit who find comfort in their familiar territory. A new environment can be highly stressful for them.
  • Change in Routine:  Cats are creatures of routine, and any disruption in their schedule, from feeding times to litter box location, can cause anxiety.
  • Lack of Vertical Space: Cats feel secure when they can perch high up and observe their surroundings. A boarding facility with climbing structures or cat condos can significantly reduce their stress.

Keeping Your Kitty Calm:

  • Pack Familiar Items: Similar to dogs, providing a familiar blanket, bed, or toy can offer comfort and a sense of security.
  • Request a Quiet Space: Ask the boarding facility if they can provide a quiet, less-trafficked area for your cat, away from barking dogs or other potential stressors.
  • Vertical is Best: Choose a boarding facility that offers cat condos or climbing structures to allow your feline friend to observe their surroundings from a safe vantage point.
  • Minimize Routine Disruption: Discuss your cat’s feeding schedule and litter box habits with the staff to minimize disruption to their routine.

Extra Tail Wags (for Dogs) and Purrfect Peace of Mind (for Cats):

Look for stress-free pet boarding facilities that offer additional services to promote relaxation, such as Feliway diffusers for cats or calming pheromone treatments for dogs.  These can create a more calming environment for your pet.

Remember:  A reputable boarding facility will have staff experienced in handling pet anxiety.  Don’t hesitate to ask questions and discuss your pet’s specific needs to ensure a comfortable and stress-free stay.

By working together, you and the boarding facility staff can create a positive experience for your cherished companion, allowing you to enjoy your trip with peace of mind, knowing your furry friend is happy and well cared for.

For the ultimate luxury stress-free pet boarding experience, check out Doggie Dude Ranch and the O’Cat Corral for all of your dog boarding and cat boarding needs.