As you’re planning to head off on your next dream vacation, you may be wondering what to do with your beloved pooch so that they don’t feel left out. After all, it’s not fair that you get to go have the time of your life while your faithful friend has to stay cooped up inside a boring kennel the whole time. Wouldn’t it be great if you could plan a dream vacation for your dog as well?

In today’s fast-paced world, finding reliable and enjoyable care for your furry friend while you’re away can be a challenge. Dog boarding hotels and kennels offer a convenient and comfortable solution, providing a safe and stimulating environment for your canine companion. However, not all dog boarding facilities are created equal. One of the most important factors to consider is the availability of spacious outdoor areas, especially considering Colorado’s stunning blue skies and more than 300 days of sun per year.

Outdoor spaces play a crucial role in a dog’s well-being during their stay at a dog boarding hotel. They provide opportunities for physical and mental stimulation, socialization, and enjoyment of the great Colorado outdoors. As you well know, dogs were born to run! By choosing a dog boarding hotel with ample outdoor space and outdoor playtime, you can ensure your furry friend has the best possible experience during their stay.

If you’re a dog-lover who also loves to plan dream vacations, join us as we explore the advantages of dog-boarding hotels with outdoor areas, discuss factors to consider when choosing a dog-boarding facility, and provide tips for a successful dog-boarding experience.

The Advantages of Outdoor Space

Outdoor spaces not only add charm to a dog-boarding hotel, but they also offer numerous benefits for dogs, including:

Physical and Mental Stimulation:

  • Exercise: Outdoor spaces at dog hotels provide ample opportunities for dogs to run, play, and exercise, helping them stay physically fit and healthy.
  • Mental Stimulation: Exploring new environments, interacting with other dogs, and engaging in outdoor activities can provide mental stimulation and prevent boredom.
  • Sensory Stimulation: Exposure to different sights, sounds, smells, and textures can enrich a dog’s experience and keep their minds engaged.

Socialization Opportunities:

  • Interaction with Other Dogs: Outdoor spaces allow dogs to socialize with other dogs, forming bonds and learning appropriate social behaviors.
  • Reduced Anxiety: Socialization can help reduce anxiety and stress in dogs, especially those who may be prone to separation anxiety or fear-based behaviors.
  • Playtime: Dogs can enjoy a variety of play activities, such as chasing, fetching, and tag, with staff members and other dogs in outdoor areas.

Environmental Enrichment:

  • Variety and Exploration: Outdoor spaces offer a diverse environment for dogs to explore, stimulating their senses and curiosity.
  • Natural Elements: Exposure to natural elements like grass, trees, and water can provide a sense of connection to the outdoors.
  • Mental Challenge: Navigating different terrains, encountering obstacles, and exploring new scents can challenge a dog’s mind.

Fresh Air and Sunshine:

  • Health Benefits: Spending time outdoors can improve a dog’s overall health and well-being.
  • Vitamin D: Exposure to sunlight helps dogs synthesize vitamin D, which is essential for bone health and immune function.
  • Mood Boost: Sunlight can have a positive impact on a dog’s mood and reduce stress.

With all of these benefits, why wouldn’t you want to choose a dog boarding hotel with outdoor spaces for your dog’s dream vacation? After all, you want your pooch to be happy, healthy, well-socialized, and feeling dog-gone good after their stay. Let’s take a closer look at how to choose the right dog boarding hotel to meet your dog’s needs.

Choosing the Right Dog Boarding Hotel

When selecting a dog boarding hotel with outdoor areas, consider the following factors:

    • Size and Safety: Ensure the outdoor spaces are adequately sized to accommodate your dog’s breed and size. If you have a big dog, you’ll want to look out for spacious dog yards that will allow your dog to stretch their long legs. Don’t forget to also look for areas that are fenced and secure to prevent dogs from escaping or encountering hazards. There’s nothing worse than finding out during your relaxing vacation that your dog escaped from their boarding kennel or got injured while in the hands of others. The dog boarding hotel that you choose should place a high emphasis on safety and security.
    • Shade and Shelter: Outdoor spaces should provide adequate shade and shelter to protect dogs from extreme weather conditions, such as heat, cold, rain, or snow. This is especially important for breeds that are sensitive to heat or cold. As you know, Colorado’s versatile weather can quickly range between extremes and your dog might need a place to take shelter, whether from the sun, rain, or snow quite quickly.  
  • Water Recreation: Summers in Colorado can get very hot, meaning your dog will want a place to cool off after playing in the sun. It’s best to find a dog boarding hotel that has a large in-ground dog pool for those strong swimmers or smaller dog baths for more water-timid dogs. After all, who doesn’t like relaxing by the pool on their summer vacation?
  • Maintenance: Well-maintained outdoor areas are essential for a safe and enjoyable experience. Look for facilities that regularly clean and maintain their outdoor spaces, including removing debris, repairing fences, and ensuring the safety of play equipment. If you see that toys or equipment are not well-maintained, you might worry that your dog will be unnecessarily injured during their stay.
  • Supervision: Ensure that staff are present and attentive to supervise dogs in outdoor areas. This helps prevent accidents, injuries, or conflicts between dogs. This is especially important for dog boarding hotels with pools as some dogs might not be experienced swimmers. Appropriate levels of supervision will help keep your dog safe and happy during their stay.
  • Other Amenities: Consider additional amenities that might enhance your dog’s stay, such as:
    • Agility Equipment: Agility courses can provide mental and physical stimulation for dogs of all ages and breeds. This will help stave off any boarding boredom during your dog’s vacation.
    • Specialized Care: Look for dog hotels that offer specialized care for senior dogs, dogs with special needs, or dogs with behavioral issues. Sometimes our dogs just need a little extra TLC when they’re away from home.
    • Doggie Daycare: Some dog boarding facilities also offer doggie daycare services, allowing dogs to socialize and play during the day while their owners are at work. This allows your pup to have a day-cation even if you can’t!
    • Grooming Services: On-site dog grooming services can save pet owners time and hassle. It’s a huge plus when your pooch comes back from their vacation looking fabulous!
    • Pet Photography: Some dog boarding facilities offer professional pet photography services to capture memorable moments of your dog’s stay. What’s even better is when they regularly post the pictures online so that you can keep up with your pet’s activities while you’re away.

Keep all of these factors in mind for the next time you go check out a kennel to board your dog in. Be sure to choose a dog boarding hotel with outdoor areas that provides a truly exceptional experience for your furry friend.

Why Choose Doggie Dude Ranch

If you live in the Denver Metro area and haven’t yet found the perfect dog boarding hotel for your pet to spend his or her next dream vacation at, we cordially invite you to come visit Doggie Dude Ranch and the O’Cat Corral. Doggie Dude Ranch is a 5-star luxury pet resort located just outside of Denver and offers everything your dog needs to have the perfect vacation. Being located outside of the city provides Doggie Dude Ranch with the ample outdoor space needed to offer dogs the chance to run to their heart’s content. Boasting multiple dog yards, for both large and small dogs, no dog will ever be stuck bored inside. These outdoor spaces provide ample shade from the sun and cover from rain and snow so that your dog won’t ever be stuck unprotected out in the elements. What’s more, for those hot summer dogs, Doggie Dude Ranch opens up its large in-ground dog pool from April through November and pulls out smaller doggie pools for those timid non-swimmers. Its staff even takes turns spraying the water hose at their doggie guests so that they can have fun under the hot sun. Supervision and safety are always a high priority for Doggie Dude Ranch staff and we will never leave your beloved pup left alone or in harm’s way. We also offer onsite dog grooming, door-to-door dog pickup and delivery, take-home dog treats, and yes, best of all, daily photos of our dog guests that we post on our Facebook page! You will never again have to worry about whether or not your furry friend is having a good time while you’re away on vacation. Our luxury dog hotel will ensure that they are having the time of their lives! Go ahead, contact us today to schedule a visit of our luxury pet boarding facility!