Cats, those enigmatic creatures with their captivating purrs and independent attitudes, have been captivating humans for centuries. But along the way, a few myths and misconceptions have become tangled in our understanding of these feline companions. Let’s separate fact from fiction and debunk some of the most common cat myths!


Myth #1: Cats have nine lives.


This popular saying might sound impressive, but unfortunately, cats, just like any other living being, have only one life. While their agility and flexibility might make them seem accident-proof, it’s crucial to remember that cats require responsible care and a safe environment to thrive.


Myth #2: Cats are aloof and don’t form bonds with their humans.


While cats might not shower us with the same level of enthusiastic affection as dogs, they do form strong bonds with their humans. Their ways of expressing love might be subtler, through gentle head bumps, slow blinks, or the ever-satisfying purr.


Myth #3: Drinking milk is essential for cats.


Contrary to popular belief, most adult cats are lactose intolerant and drinking milk can actually cause stomach upset and diarrhea. Their dietary needs are met through a balanced feline diet, and water remains the most important beverage for overall hydration.


Myth #4: Cats always land on their feet.


While cats have an amazing righting reflex that helps them twist and turn mid-air to land on their feet, this isn’t always a guarantee, especially from high falls. It’s crucial to provide a safe environment for your feline friend, including indoor enrichment and supervision when outdoors, to minimize the risk of accidents.


Myth #5: Cats are nocturnal creatures and only active at night.


While cats are naturally crepuscular, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk, they can adapt their sleep-wake cycles to their human companions’ routines. They can be playful and cuddly throughout the day, especially if their environment offers stimulating activities and opportunities for interaction.


Bonus Myth: Cats can’t be trained.


Cats might be known for their independent streak, but they are intelligent creatures who can be trained with patience, positive reinforcement, and the right approach. Whether it’s teaching them basic commands like “sit” or “come,” or using scratching posts instead of furniture, consistent training can help build a stronger bond and create a more harmonious home for you and your feline friend.


So there you have it! Dispelling these common myths can help us better understand and appreciate our feline companions. Whether your cat is your constant cuddle buddy or enjoys a bit more independent time, celebrating their unique personalities and providing them with proper care are the keys to a purr-fectly happy life together.

And remember, if your cat needs a comfortable and loving environment while you’re away, the O’Cat Corral offers top-notch cat boarding services with experienced staff who understand the needs of all kinds of feline personalities. We ensure that your cat has a stimulating and safe space to engage in playtime and is never fed food that might end up going back up the wrong way. Come check out our cat boarding facilities today and book your cat’s next luxury vacation!