
Wh Questions

Will my dog catch kennel cough?

By |2023-02-24T07:54:05-07:00February 15, 2022||

While the spread of kennel cough can be minimized by proper cleaning, isolating obviously sick dogs, and properly ventilating the facility, remember that no amount of supervision, sanitation, or personalized care is guaranteed to be 100% effective against the virus. Doggie Dude Ranch requires all dogs boarding to have [...]

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What should I send with my pet?

By |2023-02-24T09:08:38-07:00December 29, 2021||

Please bring enough food and medications for your pet's stay. Food does not need to be individually bagged for each meal. Bulk food in a bag or sealed container is preferred. We have beds, blankets and metal bowls, but you are welcome to bring your pet's bed, blanket or [...]

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